Tips For Preventing Lyme Disease In Dogs

Ticks can carry a number of dangerous diseases, including Lyme disease. Lyme disease can effect both humans and canines, so it is important to be proactive about preventing the disease in your dog. If you have a dog, use the following tips to minimize the risks of Lyme disease:

Keep Grass Trimmed

Ticks are often found in wooded and grassy areas. If you have a lawn in your backyard that your dog uses, it is important to mow it regularly and keep the grass short. Doing so can help low the number of ticks in your yard and will also ensure that your dog does not come in contact with ticks when walking through the grass.

Use Tick Preventatives

There are a number of  tick preventatives available for dogs, and it is important to use them. Talk to your dog's vet about which form of tick preventative is the best option. Some common forms of tick preventatives include sprays, powders, topical solutions, shampoos, and collars. No matter which tick preventative you use for your dog, make sure you know exactly how long it lasts so you can do another tick prevention treatment on time.

Check Your Dog Regularly

If you're serious about preventing your dog from getting Lyme disease and also want to protect your family from exposure to ticks, it is important to examine your dog daily, ideally with a tick comb. While doing so can take a little bit of time, it will give you the peace of mind of knowing that your dog is tick-free when he comes indoors. In the event that you do find a tick on your dog, make sure to remove it right away.

Talk to Your Dog's Vet About the Lyme Vaccine

Ticks that carry Lyme disease are more prevalent in some areas of the country than others. If you live in an area with a high incidence of Lyme disease or a large population of ticks, you may want to consider talking to your dog's vet about administering a Lyme vaccine. A canine Lyme vaccine consists of an initial dose followed by a booster dose a few weeks later. 

Pay Attention to Where You Walk Your Dog

Most dogs love going for walks, but you need to be careful where you take your dogs. In areas where ticks are a problem, it is a good idea to avoid walks or hikes with your dog in densely wooded areas. Also make it a point to avoid walking through fields with high grass. 
