What You Need To Know About Feline Leukemia

If you're like most people who share their lives, homes, and hearts with a cat, you naturally want your feline friend to have the best of everything. Giving a cat a good quality of life includes providing good health care, and this means keeping up on pet vaccines. One of the infectious diseases that cats are at risk for is feline leukemia (FeLV). Here's what you need to know about it. Read More 

Being Prepared To Take Your Pet To An Animal Hospital

When your pet is suffering a medical problem or an injury, it may need prompt treatment from a veterinarian at an animal hospital. For new pet owners, these situations will often lead to them feeling overwhelmed and uncertain as to how they can best meet these emergency needs. Know The 24 Hour Animal Hospitals In Your Area Unfortunately, it is often the case that a pet will experience an injury or medical emergency during times when the veterinarian's office is closed. Read More